About image
Prosthetics is in my blood having worked initially as an engineer before undertaking clinical training through the London School of Prosthetics in 1990. Currently seeing patients that have undergone amputation at all levels from a single digit loss to multi-limb loss.

I prepare regular medico-legal expert witness reports for both claimant and defendant personal injury lawyers, and undergo regular recognised training through Bond-Solon and APIL. I have court room experience but have only been to court once in over twenty years of preparing reports. My reports are Part 35 compliant and cover causation and recommendations with full justification and estimated costs for Prosthetic care including replacement cycles to assist the Courts with calculating quantum costs in litigation cases involving amputation. I currently prepare around 50-70 reports per annum.

Areas that I can advise on include;

- Amputation following Medical Negligence.
- Amputation following Trauma.
- Pre-amputation reports giving estimated costs where the possibility of Amputation has been identified.
- Paediatrics where estimates of Prosthetic costs are required over a lifetime as a child grows into adulthood.
- Opinion on other Prosthetic reports and recommendations that may have been prepared.